
  • 产品名称:总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪

  • 产品型号:总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪
  • 产品厂商:美国CPS
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总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪

总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 

总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 

总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 

总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 总代理美国CPS SM150声级计 SM-150噪音仪 



Item Description:

Sound Level Meter
Professional grade sound level indicator designed to measure noise levels from 35 to 130dB. The unit incorporates a large LCD, maximum hold function, Over and Under range indicator, peak and average response settings and A-C weighing for checking compliance with standard safety regulations. Applications include the monitoring of HVAC/R compressors, blowers, health and safety requirements, environmental quality issues, offices, factory machinery, airports, auditoriums and studio acoustics. Unit is CE approved and includes carrying case.
Chart of sound levels L and corresponding sound pressure and sound intensity
Click Here to Download SM150 Sound ChartProfessional sound level indicator
? Measures noise levels from 35 to 130dB
? Over and Under range indicator, peak and average response settings
? A-C weighing for checking compliance with standard safety regulations
? Large LCD with Maximum Hold function
? Applications include the monitoring of compressors, blowers, health & safety requirements, offices and machinery

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