
  • 产品名称:T9807烤肉温度计T9807

  • 产品型号:T9807
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烤肉温度计,用于烤肉,蒸肉和煮肉时测量被烹制食品的内部温度,以明确地了解烹制品的生熟程度. 以防止食品被烹老变味.

产品用料符合美国FDA食品**标准, 高光度抛光的不锈钢外壳和不锈钢尖通, 表面印刷有猪牛羊等图案,能使你简单地读懂哪个温度区是什么肉类烹熟的温度.


Product Model: T9807

Product Name:Oven-safefoodThermometer

Product function:This food thermometer is designed to remain in the food while it is cooking in the oven, and is generally used for large items such as a roast or turkey. This food thermometer is convenient because it constantly shows the temperature of the food while it is cooking.

Product feature:Stainless steel case with high gloss polishing, Stainless steel steam with peaked end and high-gloss polishing, Metal dial with scale in degree Celsius and mark of form animals. Stainless steel clip. The product is comply with FDA standard

The food thermometer can accurately measure the temperature of relatively thick foods (such as beef roasts) or deep foods (foods in a stockpot).

Measuring Rang:0~120℃


Unit Size:AppxØ54*120mmand steam length 100mm

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