
  • 产品名称:TG39A日本芝测ShibasokuTG39AMultiTestSignalGenerators

  • 产品型号:0864151283
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Shibasoku TG39A Multi Test Signal Generators 
The TG39A series of Multi Test Signal Generators is designed to support the testing requerements of eight television systems to add a new function to the TG19C series.
Over 100 kinds of test signals can be generated with the video signal section,and an SCART connector output has been added as standard equipment to the output ports of the TG19C series .In 0.5 dB steps,and SAW filters for each TV system have been built in to improve signal accuracy.A lineup of 4 models has been prepared ranging from a model exclusively for video signals to a Teletext-compliant model,to provide the optimum support for the development,design,production and testing of devices such as TVs,DVD recorders and TV tuners for any country in the world.

  ·Support the testing requirements of eight television systems-NTSC,NTSC-50,NTSC-4.43MHZ,PAL,PAL-60,PAL-M,PAL-N,SECAM.
  ·Equipped with SCART connector output(for European systems).
  ·A WSS(Wide Screen Signaling)can be superimposed.The infrmation in the 14 bits can be set individually.
  ·The Monoscope pattern signal has the 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios.
  ·Equipped with a Combination function.This allows signal output by combining multiple patterns.
  ·As for sound signals,the built-in oscillator can modulate a 400Hz,1kHz,OR 3kHz sine wave signal(TG39AA/AB/AC).
  ·Since the vision carrier and sound carrier have an inverting function,this equipment can be used for the French LOW channel(TG39AA/AB/AC).
  ·The channel characters of RF signal can be superimposed (TG39AA/AB/AC).
  ·One audio signal input is equipped.so,the TG39Aseries can be connected with an external audio signal generator,ShibaSoku's TA35C or AS953B(TG39AA/AB/AC).
  ·Since input and output of sound IF signals is possibl,signals from ShibaSoku's 2-carrier system and NICAM system(TAO3D/TAO5C)can be superimposed on the RF signal from this equipment (TG39AA/AB/AC)
  ·Sound MPX functions corresponding to various nations can be equipped(TG39AB/AC).
  ·The TG39A Series Multi Test Signal Generators also includes models equipped with the Teletext and Closed Caption functions()
  ·The memory function can store up to 256 signal combinations,and the auto switching mode can automatically switch between memorized signals at intervals of between 1 second and 3,600 seconds.
  ·The RS232C remote interface is equipped standard.As an option,GP-IB Unit can be built-in.

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