
  • 产品名称:AM51C日本芝测ShibasokuShibasokuAM51CAudioAnalyzer

  • 产品型号:0864151287
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Shibasoku AM51C Audio Analyzer
The AM51C Series Audio Analyzer is a multi-function audio analyzer which combines extra-low distortion rate measurement equipment with two input channels and an extra-low frequency oscillator. The measurement unit includes ten basic measurement functions such as level measurement, S/N measurement and frequency measurement, and ten built-in filters.

If combined with an oscillation unit, these functions enable the AM51C to measure harmonic distortion as low as -120 dB and levels as low as 1 mVrms. The AM51C is easy to operate through the combination of a liquid-crystal display and soft key setting of parameters. Remote control via GP-IB function and a panel setting memory for 100 sets of parameters is also available.

  · The measuring input and two channels (A and B) for oscillator output can be individually set to balanced or unbalanced (The 600懇 terminator can be switched on and off).
  · IM distortion measurement according to SMPTE method.
  · Phase difference can be measured in a full scale of 180 degrees with 0.1degrees resolution.
  · GP-IB interface is standard.


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