
  • 产品名称:AM70A日本芝测ShibasokuAM70ATwo-channelAudioAnalyzer

  • 产品型号:0864151288
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Shibasoku AM70A Two-channel Audio Analyzer
The AM70A is a Two-channel Audio Analyzer designed to measure IRD audio signal output characteristics such as level and distortion. It measures audio equipment characteristics quickly and accurately. The AM70A can measure two channels (each channel is measured and the result displayed independently). Measurement items and filters can be selected easily. It allows high-speed level measurement, making it ideal for audio equipment manufacturing lines. The AM70A supports the building of systems using its GP-IB interface control.

  ·Uses DSP computation to process measurements in a short time.
  ·High-speed measurement is possible. (Level measuring time is less than 100 msec.)
  ·Enabling to analyze the 2nd to 5th harmonics.
  ·IMD measurement is possible.
  ·The memory function that can store 100 ways of panel setting is equipped.
  ·Equipped with a judgment function to check the result of measurement, either "GO" or "NG".
  ·GP-IB interface is standard.
  ·Optional filters can be inserted.


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